Cory Booker

Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey is running for president. At a CNN Town Hall meeting last week, he spoke of the importance of his Christian upbringing, but he then went on to say, “Can I quote some Hebrew to you? I studied the Torah, too. There’s a song sung during the High Holidays: ‘Ki veiti beit t’fila yikareh l’chol ha’amim’ — ‘May my house be a house of prayer for many nations’.” Booker has long had connections to the Jewish community. In the early 1990’s, while he was studying at Oxford, he went to a Chabad Purim celebration where he danced around the room with the other participants. What did Booker carry on his back during that dance?

190204-Z-AL508-1207 by New Jersey National Guard is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

AA Megillah scroll.

BHe carried a large map of the Jersey Turnpike, and on his head he wore an EZ Pass device.

C. The rabbi’s daughter, dressed as Queen Esther.

DA Four Seasons record album, as he was dressed as a Jersey Boy.

ERabbi Shmuley Boteach.

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