Alex Jones

In recent days commentator/conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars and The Alex Jones Show, has been banned from a variety of social media sites including Facebook and YouTube (though not Twitter) because of his racially-motivated incitement of hatred and violence, which violates their terms. Jones, whose ex-wife is Jewish, has defended Jews in the past, replying to one anti-Semitic caller that “To sit there and then say that all the ills in the world are then caused by Jews is wrong. Jews are a very diverse wide group of people who have a lot of different political ideas. I am Jewish. Now I’m not, but with talk like that–you want to kill the Jews you’re going to have to kill me.” On the other hand, Jones, who is known for saying innumerable crazy things, has said what crazy things about Jews?

Alex Jones by Sean P. Anderson is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

A. “Every key person in the Bush administration and now in this next administration just so happen to be the sons and daughters of the founders of Israel and Mossad chiefs and people.”

BI mean, quite frankly, I’ve been to these [white supremacist] events, a lot of the KKK guys with their hats off look like they’re from the cast of Seinfeld. Literally they’re just Jewish actors.”

CIt’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States. They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.”

DThey [KKK members at an Austin protest rally who Jones says were really Jews] all look like Howard Stern. They almost got like little curly hair down, and they’re just up there heiling Hitler. You can tell they are totally uncomfortable, they are totally scared, and it’s all just meant to create the clash.”

EThe Jewish mafia mainly feeds on Jews so, like the ringworm–the Sephardic Jews, they killed over 100,000 of them in a radiation test.”

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