Weekly Quiz - Pre 2019 

Hillary Clinton

At this week’s Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton will officially become the first female candidate to head a major party ticket for president of the United States, despite controversy over her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State. Among the thousands of emails written by Clinton that have been released as part of the investigation into her use of the private server, one of the emails was sent to both Jake Sullivan, one of her top advisers, and Richard Verma, the former assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs. The email simply read, “Where are we on this?” What was the subject line of that email?

Hillary Clinton's Underground Communications Center by Donkey Hotey is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

AIsraeli embassy move

B. Bill’s a pain in my tuchus

CThe Iran nuclear deal and that pain in the a** Netanyahu

D. Chuppah for Chelsea’s wedding

EGefilte fish

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Trump & Religious Liberty

Leading up to this week’s Republican Convention in Cleveland, the Republican Platform Committee under RNC Chair Reince Priebus has been finalizing details of the official party platform, covering such issues as reforming government, women in combat, coal as a clean energy source, and religious liberty. According to Michele Bachmann, how does party nominee Donald Trump define “religious liberty?”

Yokozuna Trump vs. The RNC by Donkey Hotey is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

ABachmann told right-wing radio host Jan Markell that Trump said “I don’t understand, when I was growing up, everybody bowed their head for a prayer in the morning before school. Even my Jews would bow their heads and pray. New York City, there are a lot of aetheists, and they would even bow their heads and pray. Why can’t we bow our heads and pray at school anymore?”

B. Bachmann told right-wing radio host Jan Markell that Trump said “I don’t understand, when I was growing up, everybody said Merry Christmas. Even my Jews would say Merry Christmas. New York City, there are a lot of Jews, and they would even say Merry Christmas. Why can’t we even say Merry Christmas anymore?”

C. Bachmann told right-wing radio host Jan Markell that Trump said “Religious liberty means that Christians can go to work and not be persecuted because of their beliefs. And Christian business owners can’t be forced to do things they don’t believe in, like make wedding cakes for gay people. Now I’ve been to many gay weddings and I always enjoy a good cake, but religious liberty gives me the right not to bake that cake or not to eat that cake. And Jews have the right not to eat that cake if it isn’t kosher. My daughter Ivanka is Jewish, and now she won’t eat cake when we go to weddings, unless it’s a Jewish wedding. It could be a gay Jewish wedding. Then she’ll eat the cake. That’s what religious liberty is about.”

D. Bachmann told right-wing radio host Jan Markell that Trump said “I don’t understand, when I was growing up, everybody ate a bagel with a schmear. The Jews would eat it, but so would us gentiles. New York City, there are a lot of Jews and lots of Christians, and we would all eat a bagel with a schmear. Why won’t the Muslims eat a bagel with a schmear?”

E. Bachmann told right-wing radio host Jan Markell that Trump said “My administration will see that the American people have religious liberty. There will be more religious liberty when I am president than there has ever been. Religious liberty is huge in America. And my religious liberty will be the most religious. That’s what I’ve done in my own family. I gave my daughter the religious liberty to marry a Jew. You can’t get more religious liberty than that.”

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El Matador

A Spanish matodor was fatally gored this week in Spain, the first time this has happened since 1985. Though not widely known, there was a gay Jewish man who was born in Park Slope, Brooklyn in 1903 who went on to become a matador. He fought in the ring in Mexico and around the world and befriended Ernest Hemingway, who said of him, “he is one of the most skillful, graceful and slow manipulators of a cape fighting today.” His birth name was Sidney Frumpkin, though he later changed it to Sidney Franklin. But what name was he called when he first entered the bullring in Spain in 1929?

Bullfight, Spain by Christian Dalera is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

AEl Judio.

BLa Shechitah de los Toros.

CEl Yanqui.

DEl Matador de los Israelitos.

EEl Matador Va-Dor.

Click here for the answer.


What argument did British Prime Minister David Cameron make to the Jewish community of Great Britain in an attempt to gain their support for staying in the European Union?

Brexit by Christopher Michel is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

AReferring to the growing support throughout the European Union for an independent Palestinian state, Cameron said, “Do you want Britain, Israel’s greatest friend, in there opposing a Palestinian state unless this is negotiated directly between Israel and the Palestinian leadership, or do you want us outside the room, powerless to affect the discussion that takes place?”

B. Referring to Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has called Hamas and Hezbollah “friends,” Cameron recently said to a Jewish audience, “Even if you believe that it is in Britain’s best interest to leave the European Union, you should understand that a vote for Brexit is a vote for Jeremy Corbyn to become your next prime minister. If one is to be judged by the company he keeps, think about who his friends are, and what that might mean for you in Britain and for your brethren in Israel.”

CIn an interview with the London-based Jewish Chronicle, Cameron said, “The EU–Israel Association Agreement which was signed in 2000 provides for free trade arrangements between Israel and the European Union that are almost identical to the free trade which exists among EU members. And as a result, Israeli citrus, flowers, and many other products can be found in the markets of Britain at competitive prices. If we leave the European Union, tariffs will be imposed that will prevent these products from being offered at competitive prices. And that will be a major loss for us as well as for the Israeli economy.”

DReferring to the BDS movement that is growing in Europe, Cameron said, “Do you want Britain, Israel’s greatest friend, in there opposing boycotts, opposing the campaign for divestment and sanctions, or do you want us outside the room, powerless to affect the discussion that takes place?”

E. Speaking to a Jewish audience on the issue of Britain’s membership in the European Union, Cameron said, “All of us benefit from the trade agreements which the EU has negotiated with other countries, including Israel. With Brexit, our Jewish citizens will find huge tariffs showing up on all of your favorite food imports from Israel–Kishkes. P’tcha. Gefilte Fish. Gribenes. Schav. I mean, to be honest, I am quite gobsmacked that you can eat that rubbish. It just sounds so bloody awful. Not haggis awful, but still, quite grotty. But let me just sum up in language which you people can understand. Brexit, Shmexit.”

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